a&im’s objectives are to:
Increase accessibility awareness and staff confidence
for participants to feel more knowledgeable about the Equality Act 2010, and the Social Model of disability, and to feel more confident in improving the experience of D/deaf and disabled people
after training participants will have a positive approach to accessibility ideas with a grounding in awareness and its application, participants will be able to act on learning
awareness exercises and suggestions for increased confidence tips will be specific and relevant
Provide improved customer service and venue experience for D/deaf and disabled people
for participants to be able to apply learning into their specific roles to increase venue accessibility and customer service
participants will adapt current ways of working to enhance venue accessibility as well as customer service for D/deaf and disabled people
the workshop will provide necessary tools to do this
role-specific examples of customer service will be discussed and examples given
Broaden accessibility provision and services
for participants to be confident to explore additional services with groundwork provided for getting underway, and ongoing support available
participants will be encouraged to explore and develop new projects specific to their role and engage with other teams
training will offer groundwork, ideas, checklists and ongoing support
participants will be able to identify their part in delivering and taking ownership of new projects
awareness + respect – judgement = accessibility

Steve, a theatre-goer with a visual impairment, says: “I have experienced many different organisations attempting to provide services to disabled patrons, none of them has come as close as Trish in providing a perfect environment for us to enjoy our special night.”
These training sessions and workshops, and all accompanying materials, have been designed to offer guidance based on current UK best practice at the time of compiling, and that is subject to change. The contents are not designed to be comprehensive in all areas, but rather to provide a broad overview of current accessibility best practices. More detailed documents and guidance should be sought on specific areas where necessary – some additional resources are listed throughout.
The decision to use any third party organisations or resources, either listed in this workbook or discussed during the training or support sessions, are done so at the discretion of the individual client, and neither Trish Hodson, nor Access & Inclusivity Matters holds any responsibility for the outcome. If followed, the advice given in this workbook cannot guarantee compliance with the Equality Act or immunity from the award of damages under the Act, or any other local or worldwide legislation. For information regarding any issues arising from the interpretation of the Equality Act, or other worldwide legislation, it is strongly recommended that you seek appropriate legal advice.